Yoga is an acquired taste. Very possibly, it will be unlike any other physical exercise you’ve ever done. It may take a few classes for the profound beauty and benefit of yoga to start to become clear to you. Please approach your experience of yoga with an open mind, give it a try for a while and I think you will discover why yoga has been enjoyed for over 5,000 years. I want to assist you in achieving the most positive experience possible. Therefore I’ve put together a little primer to help you better understand what you can expect from yoga, from me and what I need from you. Please take a few minutes to review the following information and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to seeing you in class.
Plan to wear clothing that allows you to move completely freely but that fits fairly closely since it’s important for me to be able to see the alignment of your body. Bike shorts or leggings and a close fitting tank top or T-shirt are good choices.
Please come to class on an empty stomach. Refrain from eating up to 2 hours before you practice. A light snack is fine but an empty stomach will allow your body to feel lighter and practice each pose from a place of clarity. If you need to drink water during class, please take small sips. Please no chewing gum during class.
Please refrain from wearing perfume or other strong scents in class.
Please arrive on time. Arriving a little early to class gives you time to sit and relax, meditate, or simply ground and centre yourself. If you are new to yoga, please arrive 10 minutes early to acquaint yourself with me and your surroundings.
Please sign in upon arrival to class or before you leave.
Please remove shoes. Yoga is done barefoot
Please turn off all cell phones before entering class.
Purchasing a mat signifies a commitment to your yoga practice. I encourage continuing students to buy their own mat. I do have a few spare mats available at each class for the use of first time students, visitors and those who have left theirs at home.
Multi-level classes. Most of my classes are multi-level classes, accommodating beginners to experienced practitioners. Honour your body. Be patient and consistent with your practice allowing enough time to process the different poses, breathing and relaxation techniques. Doing this lowers your risk of injury and allows you to explore yoga from a pure place, free from expectation.
Please inform the teacher of any injuries or special conditions. When I am aware of your personal history, I can assist you with modifications during poses. All information is confidential. Also, please let me know what you hope to accomplish through your practice of yoga. People are drawn to yoga for a wide variety of reasons. I want to help you achieve your goal.
Alignment in class. In the practice of yoga, because of the importance that is placed on proper structural alignment of the body, I may adjust students to help them experience proper form. Proper form is critical for safety reasons and allows students to reap the maximum benefits from a yoga practice. Adjusting is done with both verbal instruction and by gentle hands-on correction. If you are not comfortable with hands-on adjustment, please see me privately a few minutes before class.
Modifications in class. In a typical yoga class, a lot of modifications are offered to make the postures attainable for everyone. However, your body is the best judge of what’s appropriate for you. Please remember that yoga is never about competing with yourself or anyone else. It is never about pain. If a yoga posture hurts, or if you’re just not comfortable doing it, stop. I will be glad to help you modify the posture to make it appropriate for you.
Each class will end with 10-15 minutes of guided deep relaxation “yoga nidra”. This is a pose of total relaxation, allowing the body to rejuvenate itself. I highly encourage you to remain in class for this important end to your yoga practice. If you must leave class early, however, please do so before yoga nidra has begun so as not to disturb the other members of the class.
Namaste “I honour the place in you where Spirit lives. I honour the place in you which is of Love, of Truth, of Light, of Peace, when you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, then we are One.”
Trish Alexander. Email: [email protected] Tel: 296-2734 / 704-2733